Actor #PragyaNagra addresses the controversy surrounding her leaked private video in an exclusive explanation. She clarifies the situation, debunks rumors, a Malayalam actress Pragya Nagra has broken her silence on the alleged leaked videos which have gone viral on social media sites. In a statement shared on X, the multilingual actress has called the Pragya Nagra was embroiled in a controversy after a purportedly private video was leaked online. Following the incident, the Malayalam actress slammed the 'evil minds.' By Tanya Garg Pragya Nagra speaks out about her AI-generated leaked video calling it a nightmare and condemning the misuse of technology by "evil minds." Pravrajya Suruchi Updated : Dec 07, 2024, 07:03 PM IST Malayalam actress Pragya Nagra has spoken out for the first time about the viral videos that allegedly Actress Pragya Nagra shares first post after her private video leaked online: fans say 'Ignore negativity, grow higher' TOI Entertainment Desk / / Updated: Dec 20, 2024, 23:24 IST Share Pragya Nagra First Post After Her Leaked Video Controversy Latest News: Actress Pragya Nagra, known for her roles in Varalaru Mukkiyam and Nadhikalil Sundari Yamuna, has been at the center of a heated controversy after an alleged private video surfaced online. The incident has sparked widespread debates about the misuse of technology and Pragya Nagra's reaction to leaked video controversy. Reacting to the leaked video controversy, Pragya took to X (formerly known as Twitter) on Saturday (December 7, 2024) to say that she was still in denial and hoping it was just a bad dream she would wake up from. Pragya added that she pities the evil minds who misuse technology to create Pragya Nagra, a rising star in the South film industry, has sparked controversy after a private video, featuring Pragya in a compromising position, got leaked on the internet allegedly and went South actress Pragya Nagra is grabbing the headlines from the past few days after an explicit
video allegedly featuring her was leaked online. The young actress has now denied the allegations and called the content 'AI-generated'. Check out her X post to know more. ๐ฅ Pragya Nagra Private Video Controversy: Malayalam Actress Breaks Silence on MMS Leak, Says 'Still Hoping That It Pragya Nagra Leaked Video Original Full Video Short Clip, Leaked Video Viral On facebook Media.Viral xxx,xnxx Leaked Video Viral On facebook Media.Viral xxx,xnxx Leaked Video Viral On facebook Media! The glamorous english sexy bf xxx bombshell makes her scenes in the most beautiful decors under many sunsets, you don't want to miss!